Browse through some of the most Frequently Asked Questions from our clients.


Please allow 24-48 hours for Tails N Whiskers to respond to your request.

  • How do I get started?

    On our website, click 'New Clients' (at the top right corner), then submit our New Client Request Form. We will reach back out to you to send over our policies/info and set up a Meet & Greet! At the Meet & Greet, you will meet with one of our staff to discuss your pet(s) special needs and develop a plan for care.

  • Will pet sitters care for my pet(s) in my home or theirs?

    Pet sitters travel to your home to care for your pet(s). Pets are most comfortable in their own environment, and this allows for little disruption to their normal routine!

  • How will I know if a pet sitter came to my home to care for my pet(s)?

    Our pet sitters all use Time to Pet to communicate regarding visits. Upon completion of each visit, you will receive an email/text/app notification with a detailed report on how the visit went! You will be able to see GPS location and the dog walk route taken (if applicable), pictures of your pet(s), indications of your pet(s) potty business, and a personalized note from the pet sitter!

  • Do you only offer services to clients going out of town?

    In addition to offering pet care services while you are away, we are also available for visits while you’re at work or out for the day! We are available 7 days a week and on Holidays.

  • What kind of service should I schedule for my pet(s)?

    It is beneficial for your pet(s) to keep their routine as close to what they are used to when you’re home. We offer various types of services to accommodate your individual needs. Is your dog used to short potty breaks and playtime? Schedule a 20 minute visit with us! If your dog enjoys longer walks, we also offer 30 minute visits, 45 minute visits, and 60 minute visits!

  • What exactly will the pet sitter do in my home?

    Our pet sitters will complete each visit according to your individual needs, which you can communicate to us at the Meet & Greet. For dog visits, our pet sitters will typically take your dog(s) out for a walk or potty, playtime either outside or inside, refresh water bowls, feeding, with lots of love and affection for your pet! For cat visits, our pet sitters will typically provide feeding, fresh water, and scoop litter boxes. We will also bring in any mail/packages if you are away!

  • How will the pet sitter get into my home?

    We can enter your home 3 different ways. A lockbox will be given to you at the meet and greet (for a one time $20 refundable deposit) to secure your key. If you have a lockbox, we have no problem using yours. We can also use a garage or door code to enter.

  • How do I schedule visits/services?

    Once you have already submitted our new client forms, you can take advantage of our scheduling system (Time to Pet). You have the option of submitting visit requests on Time to Pet, or you may email requests to us at TailsNWhiskersPS@gmail.com.

  • Will I have the same pet sitter every time?

    We have a wonderful team of pet sitters that each work different shifts and service areas. We cannot guarantee that you will have the same pet sitter every time, but we do our best to keep it consistent. You never have to worry, as all of our pet sitters are trained, insured, and are provided with all of the information they need to offer excellent care to your pet(s)!

  • Do you only care for dogs and cats?

    We take care of all kinds of pets! This can include, but is not limited to, birds, fish, turtles, hamsters, chickens, etc.

  • How do I pay for services?

    You can pay by cash, check, credit card, or Venmo.

    * A 4% convenience fee will be applied to credit cards *

  • What are your prices?

    In general:

    •  20 minute visits are $22
    •  30 minute visits are $25
    •  45 minute visits are $30
    •  60 minute visits are $40
    •  Overnights are $125 per night
    •  Holiday surcharge of $10 per visit/$20 per overnight

    Prices may vary depending upon the number of pets in your household.

    View more information about our services and pricing here.

  • How are our professional pet sitters different from other pet sitters?

    All of our pet sitters have had an extensive background check, training, and are pet first-aid and CPR certified!